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lost dreams

name: Jonathan
age: >.<" Guess urself!!!
Birthdate: 22.04.****
Likes & Dislikes: Dun wish to tell





June 2007
July 2007
November 2007
March 2008
April 2008
July 2008
August 2008
April 2010
May 2010
July 2010


dn angel dreams

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

1. Selfish
2. Bad Tempered
3. Emotional
4. Vulgar
5. Willful
6. Picky
7. Violent
8. Unfriendly
9. Lame
10. Blunt

These are the qualities of me!~~

If you want to what I think of you tag here =D.


Jonathan lost her dreams 8:07 PM

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Sunday, July 4, 2010

Many lucky moments this past 1 month plus, I am damn lazy and didn't update the blog frequent ly but I thought it was time. I believe that many would agree that the recent world cup is a bizarre one, but Spain FTW. I think that I am lucky to have such good friends around me whether now or in the past, they help me change and improve to become a better me. If you any primary school classmates or teachers would say I am different, apart from the obvious I grew taller. I hope that the now myself would be more likable no doubt there's still some cheeky and mischievous attributes about me. On the 21st to the 25th I went to a course on Airspace electronics and I believe I learnt a lot. Apart from the Airspace thingys but about bravery and courage. One of those days, my team and I finished our model glider, we decided to test the glider and it flew pretty well, then I decided that I can throw the glider from one block to the other. I went to the 2nd floor and true enough I threw the glider and it got stuck on the roof of the shelter on the opposite block. Our hardwork was trapped. Then came a hero, a man which kindly climbed onto the railings and used a pole to drag the plane towards him. This courageous act was a scene to behold. I was shocked and stunned by the man's bravery. But this was not all, on the last day, after the test, when I thought that the glider was of no more use, I tried to repeat the stun that I did before throw it across the block. Once again, the plane touched own on the roof of the shelter but this time a little nearer to the side of the roof. We waited a good long time and no hero appeared. But just as I was about to leave, my friend the one who looked like a nerd, the one that was more quiet, he climbed the railings himself despite the odds of falling from the 2nd floor...

The ending does not matter but what matters is that I found out that I'm not that courageous. this is a live example for me that not all big and mighty people are courageous and not all small and quiet people are weaklings, never judge a book by its cover!

Jonathan lost her dreams 1:40 AM

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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Its now about 2a.m and I am yet to sleep, maybe its because there's no school tomorrow or maybe because I prefer the cool, silent night, peaceful and calm. Still wondering what am I going to do the next day, my friends have their own CCA trainings while lucky me, I have nothing on. Life has not been a bed of roses, lots of twists and turns, you can never guess what may happen next, so cherish those around you. I believe in dreams coming true but I also believe that it is 1 in a million dreams that would be fulfilled. Dreams are just another place where we can hide from the cruel reality, this reality is often slapped in our face and its really harsh. My teacher said that there is no time to whine and sit back, the world is not going to wait for you, time never stops. Therefore, we must do everything the best of our abilities, pick ourselves up and continue to fight; even though we know that we are always going to lose, lose to time. But God gave us this precious life because he knows that we are capable of maximizing it.

Jonathan lost her dreams 1:56 AM

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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Very long since I posted on the blog. One is because I was busy with my exams and another because I was lazy. Anyway, a lot has happened these weeks that I did not update my blog... Many fruitful experiences and sad experiences as well. Lessons learned about life through the hard way and new found bonds between friends. The major setback for me is that I lost a crucial match in the group table which I'm in. This lost not only thought me resilience, it thought me not to be to confident till the match is over. Optimism is a key factor in ensuring success therefore we must not be pull down by our setbacks, instead face it with courage. Reality is cruel and facts are piercing, we must learn to look up, there is always a light at the end of the dark tunnel, a clear sky after a raging storm. But sad memories have no place in my heart, only the good times we share. I strengthen my friendship with many people, socializing with people that I never knew. Friends supporting me through the tough times, like the history which repeats itself. I really look forward to the June holidays where I can relax after a hard battle through the mid year. Actually I don't think I deserve this holidays, because I know my best was not given. Awaiting of my results becomes a more stressful period then the examination period as I know I didn't do well. Anyway, thats all for now, till next time!~~~

Jonathan lost her dreams 9:38 PM

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Thursday, April 22, 2010

Today was my birthday and I am very happy that I've many friends that wished me Happy Birthday, by sms, facebook or even shaking my hand in school. It was not that I did not update my blog over the past year(s), is just that I am lazy. Furthermore, I preferred facebook which wad much easier to update. But then I felt that I could not express my feelings and thoughts in just a small post on facebook therefore deciding to continue blogging. I purposely chose this date to return to action as today is a very special day for me. I felt a sense of happiness how my mum showed her care and concern for me. Today was also the day I took my Napfa test, during the standing broad jump, I decided to act funny be jumping with my hands trialling and the result was it being hurt in the process . My hands were grazed, about 8 different cuts and blood flowing out staining my PE shirt. But then, this incident was nothing compared to the joy and happiness I felt. During dinner where my family and I went out to eat, My mom was freaking concerned over injury but yet instead of the usual questioning about how, when where,why... she kept quiet as though my hands were perfectly normal. Because she knew that I hate her nagging and for once she accede to my request. This mini act showed that she was thoughtful, and I often take this for granted, pushing off the limits. But everytime she just smiles like nothing happened, at that point in time I felt guilty, very guilty. That was not all, as it was my birthday, the restaurant provided a free ice-cream the (fire-house).. BUT then I did not like it and preferred another one, this time my mother gave up her option for a different ice cream and decided to take the fire-house. Instead allowing me to get what I want. This incident showed me that my mom cares a lot about me, and tries her very best to meet my requests. But yet I often fail to reach her expectations of me. Even if I do, I would request a reward from her... but my mom never complains. To end this quickly, I like to thank all those who wished me happy birthday.

Jonathan lost her dreams 11:10 PM

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Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Todae is a very bad day for me, I missed so called buses in a row... ... LOL!!! I was late for school sia, so sad kena detention!!! The reasons are not as you may think, the 1st bus is due to my "speed" not fast enough to catch the 156 bus, but nvr mind I can wait, it was still early around 6.35. Soon a school mate joined me at the bus-stop, we waited and waited for a period that seems like the time had stopped!!! Finally the bus chugged down, Guess wad??? The bus was fully packed with people and wouldn't stop!!! How pissed was I, to the maximum of my limit!!! Nvr mind, I wait for the next bus, anyway its still early!!! Soon the shadow of the bus could be seen with my naked eye, and I stood up in a flash of light, and flagged for the bus... ....

More action to be reviewed in the next episode

Jonathan lost her dreams 6:20 AM

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Friday, July 25, 2008

I have just been promoted to sixth position in my squash team, I actually was from the tenth position<> now to sixth seat. I 1st beat Kanthan and then Joshua to get the sixth... I am really over the moon, as I thought there isn't a chance, in this long and dark tunnel I finally found the light. Actually in this sixth position is not permenant, anytime u may be degraded. I just hope that I may improve, and learn from my mistakes that I made in the past experience.From sixth to fifth, is a great deal as the top 5 are way way better then me!!!

Jonathan lost her dreams 9:39 AM

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